True Colors | Poster Blog

True Colors | Shining through!


We live in a culture that values perfection, success and appearance and many people find it difficult to show up as themselves.

It takes some real courage by showing your True Colors in life. But first you have to find out what colours you are made of. Being authentic begins with being honest with yourself about what you really think and feel.

Show who you are

There is a part in all of us that wants to be known and loved for who we are. By wearing a mask, people will never get to know the real you.

Song: I see your true colors… And that’s why I love you… So don’t be afraid to let them show… – Cindy Lauper

Cool graphic style poster with bright bold rainbow colours and a stylish white bottom give the artwork a modern classy look.

Made listening to Cindy in Sweden. Get your True Colors here.


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